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Friday, December 20, 2013

Christmas Card Capers...

This year we had a lot of fun working with clients on creating the perfect photos especially for their Christmas cards. Now anyone who knows Dany and me is well aware that there is no shortage of creative ideas when we are in the room. When we get to collaborate with creative clients, it's even better. 

Our holiday cards range from simple designs utilizing an outdoor family portrait to costumes and client collaboration on a card printed on pearl card stock. We also design cards in various shapes and folding patterns too but for this blog, in particular, we are highlighting two featured cards that I wanted to focus on.


The first featured card was an idea our client had that we helped bring to fruition. Getting the entire family to collaborate is the best part. Even young children get excited about a family photo shoot when they get to play a role. It sure beats sitting around smiling, I guess. The idea of this shoot was simple enough but really relied upon family cooperation. We worked in a narrow area where lighting could have presented some challenges but we were ready! Thankfully this client was patient and her family performed well. We can't wait to design next year's card with you, Nik! Oh and good job, Santa and Nick and Lexi! 

To view some of Nik's creative and crafty pursuits, visit her blog: Mom Attempts

The next 2013 featured card started creatively with pairs of hand-crafted angel wings and a pink Christmas tree. Sound unusual? Well, given that this client creates all the unique details in her home, it really isn't all that surprising and makes for wonderfully unique photos. Her children are also absolutely adorable and able to play their roles to perfection. Even the littlest "diva" performed well. Of course these were the same children who did a fabulous job during our tea party shoot at their home last year. We knew there was no way we could go wrong with these kids to work with. Since these cards are about to be sent out by our client
we didn't want to ruin the surprise. But we can show you two photo peeks and tell you that the card design included vintage touches including worn edges around the photos, cream colored accents and vintage text. 
The inside spread from last year's card

Even though every card we created this year was not an entirely custom design, we still had fun with cards for clients who participated in our Holiday Walk-in Portrait Weekend. Each family got their picture emailed to them and for some, we actually created flat 5x7 cards as well. We loved designing our studio set and we've already got ideas for next year. One thing you can always expect from a True Story Photography holiday studio set--it won't be typical of anything you normally see for holiday but the portraits we take in our decorated set will look festive and fabulous. 

Wishing all of our clients and friends a Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy and successful 2014!

Here are some holiday picture examples from Holiday Studio Set 2013:

Some examples of our basic holiday cards for 2013:

Monday, December 9, 2013

Happy Baby!

This little guy is one of the happiest babies we've worked with. He has very nice, relaxed parents who were great to work with too. Enjoy your sneak peek, N family. We are hard at work getting your photos processed and we should be done soon!