Let me explain. The girls' mom is a lover of vintage and charming accessories and decor. She is really talented and creates everything from bed coverings, pillows and curtains to hair accessories and clothing for the girls (and everything in between). What makes her rooms special is that she is able to put vintage and antique accessories together along with artistic ones in a way that creates a truly unique look. It really was a special setting and this was really her home. The results of her efforts were completely charming and added lots of pizzazz to our shoot. Once the girls were interacting in their natural environment, the colors and accessories just worked to accentuate them.
As most adults know, toddlers can sometimes be a little "antsy". Though the toddler in this shoot was no exception, we got to see her fun personality and capture it without too much difficulty. When it comes to little munchkins, we are prepared for any and all eventualities including standing in a 5 foot by 5 foot playhouse to shoot. Yes, sometimes that is necessary. She actually did fine was great overall during the shoot.

Overall, the girls did a great job...and got to have a little tea party in the process!
What a wonderful shoot. The photographs are beautiful and the girls are perfect in their settings!